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Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod
Council Highlights

April 2024

Management met on March 12 at 7:00 p.m. We reviewed our February financial statements. Our giving improved from last month. Our budgeted income/expenses are close to projections. We approved the February statements. We voted to fund Janie’s CS Lewis retreat and Tom’s Safety seminar as part of Continuing Church Education. Vic updated on the March/April schedule for reviewing resumes and interviewing for the Church Office Coordinator position. Finally, we approved Worship’s request for up to $5000 to renovate the Church’s organ. This would be paid from our Unspecified Memorial Fund and presented to Council. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m.

Vic Maroscher

Property Division
met on March 5 in the Education Building parlor. A list of open items was on the agenda to keep them in front of the committee until they are resolved. Major items discussed were:
It was discussed and approved to recommend to Council the purchase of a computer and capture card to allow for the livestream of worship services.
A plan was made to care for the church property lawns and flower beds. Dale and Sons will do the required mowing. Halen Turf Care will apply fertilizer, weed killer to the lawns and pre-emergent to the flower beds to keep weeds down. The Boy Scouts have volunteered to help with spring cleanup and mulching. Marge Greenisen will do plant pruning and arrange for edging of the beds. The congregation will be asked to volunteer to help with the cleanup. The date for the cleanup will be April 6 with April 20 the alternate in case of rain. The combined cost of this approach will keep us well within budgeted monies.
New framed pictures have been hung, including Pastor Alan’s picture. Thanks to Dorothy Conser and Jim Mueller.
The new signs have been hung in the parking lot identifying it as Emmanuel Lutheran Parking. Thanks to Tony Ieropoli and Jim Mueller.

Blessings, Allan Wolfgang

To contact us:
Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@gmail.com
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460